
Friday, January 31, 2020

Daily Mystic Quote - Jan 31, 2020

The biggest issue with human beings is they do not know how to handle their thoughts and emotions.

Quotes about Life - Sadhguru explains that at least our inner situation should be 100% in our control.

Daily Mystic Quote - Jan 30, 2020

Become like the earth, like the tree – simply life. If you are simply life, your human consciousness will naturally find expression.

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Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Daily Mystic Quote - Jan 29, 2020

Negative energies cannot touch you if you are in a state of meditativeness.

Quotes about Life - Sadhguru explains that the purpose of yoga is to create a space for that which is “not you”

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Daily Mystic Quote - Jan 28, 2020

For a committed person, there is no such thing as failure – just lessons to be learnt on the way.

Quotes Inspirational - Whatever situations arise in life, Sadhguru says, one can choose to use them and make himself stronger and better, or he can sit and cry.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Daily Mystic Quote - Jan 26, 2020

Let us all strive to lift our Beloved Republic beyond distinctions of caste, creed, race, or religion. Let us create a Bharat all of us will be proud of. Bharat should be in our breath.

Quote Inspirational - Republic Day Message From Sadhguru

Friday, January 24, 2020

Don’t Make New Year Resolutions

Every year, around this time, people talk about New Year’s resolutions? It’s very easy to make New Year resolutions but difficult to stick to them. Instead of Resolutions, set goals.
Set a New Year goal. This Fresh and New start will give you an extra boost of energy to accomplish your biggest dreams.

Review Your Last Year:

For many — this has been a tough year. No doubt, some beautiful and wondrous things happened. And, a fair share of struggles and setbacks too.
While you want to focus on a fresh New Year goal, don’t fail to learn from the past. There’s a lot of unleveraged wisdom to be mined from the past year if you know how to find it.
You must acknowledge some uncelebrated and important accomplishments. You should not repeat Hard-won lessons and let go of some chronic emotional baggage.
You’ve got this one precious life — what matters most is how you are spending it?
This is a question I ask myself every time at the end of every year. It’s very important to look back, celebrate your wins, acknowledge your growth, extract the lessons and set the right goals for the upcoming year.

Set New Year Goals:

Set 3 Top Most Important Goals to achieve in Next 12 months
  • Focus on these 3 Important Goals
  • Feel the Importance of them
  • Develop character traits, habits, or skills to accomplish these goals.

How to Get Clients Fast

1. Identify your clients
The ability to find a client, sell your product or service and satisfy him so that he buys from you again should be the central focus of all entrepreneurial activity. The greater clarity you have about your ideal client, the more focused and effective your marketing efforts will be.
2. Know your area of expertise
You should know your area of expertise and it makes you stand out from the crowd. When you are crystal-clear on what you have to offer and can convey this to the right prospect, you’ll be able to sign the clients who need your services most.
3. Encourage reviews
Reviews support your credibility and level of expertise. So ask and encourage your clients to review your service or product. Positive reviews have the power to influence and get new leads.
4. Get referrals
Get referrals from satisfied clients from your previous projects. Word of mouth referrals is some of the most effective ways to reach new clients.
5. Engage in paid advertising
If you’re looking to get the word out about your business quickly, paid advertising can be a helpful approach. Using Facebook Ads, you can create hyper-targeted campaigns to reach audiences who may be interested in working with you.
6. Network with clients
Networking is alive and well. Keep an eye on events related to your ideal client’s niche happening in your area. Attending events where your ideal clients are is a great way to make connections quickly — which can lead to clients and referrals.
7. Join with other consultants or firms
If you have a very specific set of services, partnering with another consultant or firm that offers a different set of services can be a beneficial strategy. Working with a partner can introduce you to a broader client base, which can lead to more contracts in the future and a larger referral network.
8. Join LinkedIn groups
Use the LinkedIn search function to find groups related to your area of expertise, and join them. Look to build genuine connections by commenting on posts, and sharing relevant content to continue fostering connections that can lead to clientele.
9. Follow up with previous clients
Do you ever follow up with your previous clients to see if they need any extra assistance? Do it! Just shoot them an email to see how things are going and ask if they need any extra help. This increases the chance of getting new projects from past clients.
10. Use Online Market Places
A great place to find clients who know exactly what they want are Online Market Places such as,,, etc. They can help you generate great leads.
11. Have an SEO strategy
Search engine optimization is a great long-term strategy to drive targeted traffic to your website. You won’t see immediate results with SEO, but with a sound strategy in place, you can drive traffic over time and convert visitors into clients.

Daily Mystic Quote - Jan 24, 2020

Whether you can perform like someone else or not is not the point. The question is, are you exploring the full depth of your potential.

Quotes about life - Three of the most important things in life that can help every individual blossom to their fullest potential and live a full-fledged life.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Daily Mystic Quote - Jan 23, 2020

The conclusions that you make in your mind can seriously impede your ability to experience life.

Quotes Inspirational - When you give up all your conclusions about yourself, and the people and situations around you, Sadhguru explains everything will become alive to you.