My Smile
As the snow fell in heaps
water froze and life stood
still. I walk out to
see how life is faring
without heated rooms
or woolens. All was well
just a bit circumspect
in expression. As I felt
the freeze creeping up from
the ends of the body, a smile
spreads upon my face
as my smile is one thing
that weather cannot freeze.
You will have to burn it
down upon the pyre.
water froze and life stood
still. I walk out to
see how life is faring
without heated rooms
or woolens. All was well
just a bit circumspect
in expression. As I felt
the freeze creeping up from
the ends of the body, a smile
spreads upon my face
as my smile is one thing
that weather cannot freeze.
You will have to burn it
down upon the pyre.
Love & Grace,