
Thursday, October 31, 2019

Daily Mystic Quote - Oct 31, 2019

Just ask yourself – what do you really want of life? That is the direction you should go.
Quotes about life - Sadhguru addresses the dilemma of veering between opposite emotions, thoughts, and impulses in life.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Daily Mystic Quote - Oct 30, 2019

It is important to simplify the material aspects of your life so that the deeper dimensions of who you are can find expression.
Quotes inspirational - Sadhguru answers a question on how you can streamline the arrangement in your life.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Daily Mystic Quote - Oct 29, 2019

Anyway, life makes you do all kinds of circus, juggling, and acrobatics. If you are well prepared, you can do it joyfully.
Quotes about life - Sadhguru says, The most beautiful moments in life are moments when you are expressing your joy, not when you are seeking it.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Daily Mystic Quote - Oct 28, 2019

There is too much talk about heaven because too many people have made a hell out of themselves.

Quotes inspirational - Sadhguru says, one must see how to make a heaven out of himself.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Daily Mystic Quote - Oct 26, 2019

Self-realization means to realize how foolish you have been. Everything has been right here within you and you did not get it.
Quotes inspirational - Sadhguru speaks about what self-realization means, and why it is not a choice, but a must in everyone’s life.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Daily Mystic Quote - Oct 25, 2019

Life is involvement. Where there is no involvement, there is no life.

Quotes about life - Sadhguru answers a question about detachment, and the difference between entanglement and involvement.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Daily Mystic Quote - Oct 24, 2019

In search of wellbeing, we have done all kinds of insane things on this planet, but wellbeing has not happened. If wellbeing is what you seek, in is the only way out.

Quotes about Life - Sadhguru introduces us to the only way to experience sustainable inner wellbeing.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Daily Mystic Quote - Oct 23, 2019

Success happens when you are able to use yourself to your full potential.

Quotes about life - What factors decide our success in life? Sadhguru answers the question and looks at what success really means.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Inner Engineering Completion with Sadhguru

Inner Engineering Completion with Sadhguru

Dec 21-22, 2019, Chennai
* 15% early bird discount is available until 24th Oct.
** Program is in English. Live translation in Telugu, Hindi & Kannada is available.

Daily Mystic Quote - Oct 22, 2019

Spiritual process is for people who are bored with the good life and want to experience the fantastic source of life.
Quotes inspirational - Sadhguru looks at the difference between a materialistic and a spiritual person, and why spirituality is an irrevocable love affair with life.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Daily Mystic Quote - Oct 21, 2019

Without a sense of abandon, you will never walk full stride in your life.
Quotes Inspirational - Sadhguru writes about how to experience and know life through Pragna, the path of awareness or Samadhi, the path of abandon.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Daily Mystic Quote - Oct 20, 2019

An intention will not make things happen. It will only set the direction. You still have to make the journey.

Quotes about life - In a state of joy and clarity within yourself, Sadhguru explains, you must choose what you wish to do, then do only that.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Daily Mystic Quote - Oct 18, 2019

When things go wrong in life, that is when it shows who you are. When things go well, everyone can pretend to be fantastic.
Quotes inspirational - Sadhguru tells us how to go about handling difficult situations in our lives.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Making Tea For a Lazy Disciple – A Zen Story

sadhguru wisdom article | Making Tea For a Lazy Disciple – A Zen Story


In a monastery, a Zen master gathered firewood and started a fire for a stove. He was preparing tea. A disciple asked him, "For whom are you preparing tea?"
The master replied, "You see that lazy guy sitting over there? It is for him."
He was referring to one particularly lazy disciple who kept dodging work and just sat around, while all the other disciples were active in work.
The disciple said, "Why do you have to prepare tea for him? He has grown up now. Let him prepare it on his own."
The Master smiled and said, "I am here and now."

Sadhguru's explanation:

What's the most important teaching in life? You do what you can do. It is far better to see that "I can do this and I cannot do this" rather than thinking "I have to do this and I should not do this."
When you identify yourself with something and think, "This is my family. This is my wife. This is my mother. This is my house. This is my street," you conclude that "I will do this. I will not do that." You will start thinking "If my child gets injured I have to run and save him, but if some other child is getting injured why should I bother?"
Nobody belongs to you in this world. They ended up coming into this world just the way you came in, that is all. If you get married, you say, "This is my wife." If you get divorced, you say "This is not my wife!" Both are relationships fixed by you. When you get married and feel that your spouse is a part of you, you accordingly develop love and pleasant thoughts towards them. Once you deny the relationship, these emotions change and you start feeling frustrated, angry and hateful.
So when you think something belongs to you, the emotions that come with it are hugely discriminatory. This will never bring out your capabilities to the fullest.
Raju and Malathi were lovers. As they belonged to different castes, their families and their communities were not ready to accept their marriage.
Raju said, "When we can't live together, what is the point of this life? Come, let us die together."
Both of them climbed up to a cliff. They stood there hand in hand at the edge. When they were just about to jump, Malathi said, "Raju, I am terrified. You jump first! I will get the courage to jump after seeing you go!"
Raju said, "I love you, Malathi!" and jumped from the edge in a moment.
Malathi saw him fall into a deep trench below where nobody could get to. She also got ready to jump. At that moment she thought, "Now Raju is no more. If Raju is not there, my love is no more. If there is no love anymore, no family problem, no social problem. When there is no problem at all, why should I give up my life?"
She looked down at the trench below and shouted, "Raju, I love you!" and started walking back home.
When you think “this is mine” or “she is mine,” the actions that come out of that will be just like this.
Those who walk on the spiritual path do not shrink themselves like that. They don't say, "I will do something for this person, I will not do something for that person." They will only think, "At this moment I can do this. If there is an opportunity to do it, I will do it," and they will act accordingly.
If you want to realize your life to the fullest, first and foremost is you should never shrink yourself into thinking "This is mine and this is not mine." If you expand within yourself to include the whole world, then everything is yours.
Quotes inspirational - A common saying in the Tamil language warns that both the one who always gives and the one who always takes will be ruined.

Too many people are hungry not because there is dearth of food. It is simply because there is dearth of love and care in human hearts.